Versions Before 2.2.0

Alation Cloud Service Applies to Alation Cloud Service instances of Alation

Customer Managed Applies to customer-managed instances of Alation

Query log ingestion (QLI) extracts and ingests the query history of a database and powers the lineage, popularity, top user, join and filter information in the catalog. You’ll be able to explore examples of ingested queries on schema and table catalog pages.

Query Log Ingestion (QLI) is available from connector version 2.0.2 or newer. The connector supports query history extraction from the system audit log table:


Before you can perform QLI from your data source in Alation, you will need to:

  1. Enable the system.access schema:

  2. Configure audit log delivery on your Databricks account and workspace:

  3. Enable verbose audit logging to capture additional events in the audit log table. Your logs will include the following additional events:

    • For notebooks: runCommand

    • For SQL warehouse: commandStart, commandFinish

    Alation requires these events to be available in the audit table to successfully extract and ingest query history:

  4. Grant Permissions for QLI to the Alation service account.

  5. In Alation, ensure that you run metadata extraction (MDE) before running QLI. For information on MDE, refer to Versions 2.2.0 or Newer.

QLI Query

Alation runs the following query on the system.access.audit table to retrieve query history:

SELECT request_event_time AS startAt,
  TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, request_event_time, response_event_time) AS executionTime,
  SELECT AS username,
    request_params.commandText AS queryText,
    event_time AS request_event_time,
  FROM system.access.audit
  WHERE action_name = 'commandSubmit'
  ) submitTable
      response.status_code AS statusCode,
      response.error_message AS errorMessage,
      event_time AS response_event_time,
    FROM system.access.audit
    WHERE action_name = 'commandFinish'
    ) finishTable
WHERE submitTable.commandId = finishTable.commandId
  AND submitTable.request_event_time >= "FROM_TIME"
  AND submitTable.request_event_time <="TO_TIME"
  AND finishTable.statusCode = 200
  AND finishTable.errorMessage IS NULL
  event_time AS startAt, AS username,
  request_params.commandText AS queryText,
  round(request_params.executionTime,0) AS executionTime,
  response.status_code AS statusCode,
  response.error_message AS errorMessage,
FROM system.access.audit
WHERE action_name in ('runCommand')
  AND event_time >= "FROM_TIME"
  AND event_time <= "TO_TIME"
  AND response.status_code = 200
  AND response.error_message IS NULL;

Performing QLI

You can either run QLI manually on demand or configure it to run automatically on a schedule.


Alation supports a maximum SQL query length of 100K rows. There is also a 50 KB limitation on query file size. Queries with more than 100K rows or queries larger than 50 KB cannot be parsed and ingested by QLI jobs.

Use the information in this section to configure the Query Log Ingestion tab for connector versions before 2.2.0.

Perform QLI Manually

To perform QLI manually on demand:

  1. If you are using connector version, you must disable lineage auto-generation before running QLI. Open the General Settings tab, select the Disable Automatic Lineage Generation checkbox under Application Settings, and click Save. If you are using a newer connector version ( or later), you don’t have to manually disable automatic lineage as from this connector version, it’s disabled programmatically. The corresponding control is not present in the user interface.


    After every QLI job, the QLI framework in Alation runs a downstream sub-job to calculate lineage based on the query history metadata ingested during QLI. However, for a Databricks Unity Catalog data source, lineage is extracted directly from the system tables. Disabling automatic lineage calculation disables the lineage downstream job and prevents creating duplicate lineage paths from both direct lineage extraction and QLI.

  2. On the Query Log Ingestion tab of the Settings page of your data source, under Automated and Manual Query Log Ingestion ensure that the Enable Automated Query Log Ingestion toggle is disabled.

  3. Specify the desired date range using the Date Range calendar widgets. You will need to specify the start date and the end date separately.

  4. Click the Preview button to preview the queries that will be ingested. This will run a preview job that will fetch a subset of the queries based on your QLI configuration. The result will be displayed in a table.

  5. Click the Import button. This will start a query log ingestion job.

View Job Status

The status of preview or QLI jobs is logged in the Query Log Ingestion Job Status table at the bottom of the page. In this table, click the status link or the View Details link for a job to view the details on its progress.

Schedule Automated QLI

To schedule QLI:

  1. On the Query Log Ingestion tab, under Automated and Manual Query Log Ingestion, enable the Enable Automated Query Log Ingestion toggle.

  2. In the Automated Query Log Ingestion Time panel that will appear, specify the values for the job recurrence and time. The values are set in your local time.


    The hourly schedule for automated QLI is not supported.

  3. The next QLI will run on the schedule you set.

View Query History in the Catalog

After a successful QLI run on any connector version, you will be able to find and view the following information under your data source:


Joins, filters, and popularity calculation is a scheduled task that runs asynchronously with query log ingestion. After running QLI for the first time, you will see popularity and join and filter information in the catalog on the next day.

Query History

The query history information that Alation ingests during QLI is made available on the Queries tab on the catalog pages for schemas and tables.

To view query history:

  1. Navigate to the catalog page of a data source object, such as a schema or a table.

  2. Open the Queries tab.

  3. Select the History section from the list on the left. All the queries ingested for this object during QLI will be listed here.

  4. You can expand the query panels to see the full query statement and the related properties.

Filters, Joins, and Expressions

When ingesting query history, Alation parses SQL statements and catalogs joins and filter expressions. The joins and filters can be viewed on the Joins and Filters tabs on catalog pages of the relevant table objects. Filter expressions are captured under the Expressions tab on catalog pages of the relevant column objects.

To view the joins and filter information:

  1. Navigate to the catalog page of a table object under your data source.

  2. Open the Joins tab to view the relevant joins.

  3. Open the Filters tab to view the relevant filters.

To view filter expressions:

  1. Navigate to the catalog page of a column object under your data source.

  2. Open the Expressions tab to view the relevant filter expressions.


Popularity of objects is calculated from the number of mentions an object has in the queries parsed during query history ingestion. Tables that are more frequently accessed by users will have a greater popularity value than tables that are queried rarely. The popularity value is displayed on catalog pages of schema, table, and column objects.