Troubleshoot SSO Authentication with Amazon Data Sources

Applies from release 2021.1

Logs to Review

The following log files provide state, event, and error information for the AuthService component of Alation (path inside the Alation shell):

  • /opt/alation/site/logs/authserver_err.log

  • /opt/alation/site/logs/authserver.log

  • /opt/alation/site/logs/authserver_out.log

Configuration Files to Review

AuthService configuration files are stored at /opt/alation/site/config/authserver/<config_name>.json (path inside the Alation shell).

Error Messages

Most of the error messages listed below will appear on the Connect dialog in Compose and the Catalog, for example:


Some error messages will appear on a slide-out on bottom right in Compose:


Some error messages may be visible in AuthService logs only.




Callback Handler: null: state*

SAML Response received by the Callback handler contains invalid information.

Inspect the SAML response for the required SAML Attributes. Minimal configuration requires that SAML assertion should include Role and RoleSessionName.

Redirect handler exception: ( ./aws_iam1.json (No such file or directory))

Configuration {name} does not exist.

Compose is trying to use an IAM plug-in configuration that does not exist. In the example aws_iam1.json is the config file, and the configuration name is aws_iam1. The error means the configuration object aws_iam1 may not have been created.

Check that the configuration object with {name} exists on the Alation server. If it does not exist, create it and try again. If it exists, check its filesystem permissions: the .json file must be readable by user alation

Connector Error: failed to connect to all addresses

AuthService is not configured or has stopped.

Check alation_conf and AuthServer status. alation.authentication.service.enabled should be in True and AuthService should be operational.

Missing configuration for Redirect URL

The URL configuration in the redirect parameter is missing or invalid.

Verify configuration or update the configuration.

HTTP method GET not supported

SAML Response is posted using a GET HTTP call from the SAML IdP.

IdP should use POST response to configure the SAML assertion.

Your request included an invalidSAML response

SAML Response was invalid and was not accepted by the AWS STS endpoint.

Refer to AWS documentation *

Not authorized to perform sts:AssumeRoleWithSAML

The IAM role ARN specified in the SAML response contains a typo or does not exist

Make sure to use the exact name of the role because role names are case sensitive.

RoleSessionName in AuthnResponse must match …

The RoleSessionName attribute value is too long or contains invalid characters

Refer to AWS troubleshooting documentation *

Failed to assume role: Issuer not present in specified provider

Refer to AWS troubleshooting documentation *

Requested DurationSeconds exceeds MaxSessionDuration set for this role

User is trying to assume a role with invalid session duration.

Refer to AWS troubleshooting documentation *

Error retrieving IAM credentials. “User:<username> is not authorized to perform: <permission> on resource: <AWS resource ARN> (Service: <AWS Service>; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDenied; Request ID: <ID>))

AWS role error: the selected role does not give access to the AWS resource a user is trying to access from Alation.

Reconnect and select a different role.

Connector Error: Auth Server returned an invalid authorization authorization error: Error: AWS Validation Error. Not authorized to perform sts:AssumeRoleWithSAML (Service: AWSSecurityTokenService; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDenied; Request ID:<ID>)

Role configuration error: the role configuration does not allow access for the authentication application that is requesting authorization.

Check the AWS role settings: the authentication application used in Alation to request access must be added to the Trust Relationships of the role.

* Troubleshooting SAML 2.0 federation with AWS

Operations with AuthService Configuration Objects

The commands below should be run from the Alation Django shell on the Alation host. To enter the Django shell, first enter the Alation shell and then the Django shell:

sudo /etc/init.d/alation shell

Substitute placeholder values in these examples with real values when you run this code.

Configuration Objects of the AWS IAM Plug-in

Below are examples of operations that can be performed on the AWS IAM plug-in configuration objects.

Check Status of AWS IAM Plug-In of AuthService


Create a Configuration Object for the AWS IAM Plug-in

AuthClient('aws_iam').configure(operation='create', config={'config_name':'<your_value>', 'region':'<your_AWS_region>', 'sts_duration':'<your_number>', 'redirect_url':'<your_SSO_URL>'})

Retrieve an Existing AWS IAM Plug-in Configuration Object

AuthClient('aws_iam').configure(operation='read', config={'config_name':'<your_value>'})

Modify an Existing AWS IAM Plug-in Configuration Object

AuthClient('aws_iam').configure(operation='update', config={'config_name':'<your_value>', 'region':'<your_AWS_region>', 'sts_duration':'<your_number>', 'redirect_url':'<your_SSO_URL>'})

Delete an AWS IAM Plug-in Configuration Object

AuthClient('aws_iam').configure(operation='delete', config={'config_name':'<your_value>'})

Operations with Compose Configuration Objects

Substitute <ds_id> with your data source ID.

Retrieve an Existing Compose Configuration

In [1]: AuthServiceConfiguration.objects.get(ds_id=<ds_id>)

In [2]: conf.method_name
Out[2]: aws_iam

In [3]: conf.jdbc_config
{'auth_obj_to_jdbc_param_map': {},
  'jdbc_uri_enabler_patterns': [],
  'jdbc_uri_to_auth_service_args_map': {}
  'require_strict_jdbc_uri_to_auth_service_args_map': False}

Delete Compose Configurations

To delete all Compose configurations for a data source:
